European affairs, freedom of expression and information

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Legal basis and practical application at national and supranational level

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Aims and scope: 
’’European Affairs, freedom of expression and information: legal basis and practical application at national and supranational level’’ is a course aimed at outlining and assessing the regulatory framework both at EU and domestic level regarding the rights, liberties and obligations characteristic to the young media professionals’ activity; identifying the connections and synergies between EU affairs and Member States’ public affairs; highlighting the importance of young journalists’ professional education in a EU context; analyzing the Member States’ progress on internalizing EU media legislation and the obstacles preventing it; and last but not least, providing an overview of the media performance in the newer Member States of the European Union and making predictions over the development of the Romanian media coverage of EU Affairs themes.
1. Coordination of European Affairs in light of the Lisbon Treaty. European Affairs: foreign or domestic issues? 2. The system of coordination of European Affairs in Romania. 3. EU Guidelines on Human Rights on freedom of expression online and offline. 4. The impact of media on the negative portrayal of the European Union. 5. Making news about the European Union. Foreign correspondents in Brussels. 6. Europeans and interest for the European Union. 7. Self-regulation in the media industry. 8. Implementation of the system of self-regulation in the media. 9. Media and integrating immigrants. 10. Educate journalists for EU media coverage. 11. Media pluralism in the European Union. Case of Romania. 12. Perspectives on media Europeanization in Romania.
Indicative reading: 
• Ariev, Volodymyr, Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media Rapporteur for the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. Media responsibility and ethics in a changing media environment, Report. 8 June 2015. • Bărbulescu, Iordan Gheorghe, Oana Andreea Ion and Nicolae Toderaș. 2012. Coordonarea afacerilor europene la nivel naţional. Mecanisme de colaborare între Guvern şi Parlament în domeniul afacerilor europene. Studiu comparativ în statele membre UE. Institutul European din România, SPOS no. 2. • Brogi, Elda and Alina Dobreva. 2015. Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe – Testing and Implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 – Policy Report. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute. • Council of the European Union, EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline, 12 May 2014. • European Commission: Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security. 2010. Handbook on Integration for policy-makers and practitioners, Third edition. • Karpchuk, N.P. 2013. “The role of national media in the implementation of the European Union communication policy principles”. In International Relations. Series: Political science, no. 1. • Lloyd, John and Cristina Marconi. 2014. Reporting the EU: News, Media and the European Institutions. London, New York: I.B Tauris. • Menéndez Alarcón, Antonio V. 2010. Media Representation of the European Union: Comparing Newspaper Coverage in France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. In International Journal of Communication, 398-415. • Michalik, Ivonne. 2014. „European Citizens and the Media – Does Communication Enhance Participation?”, Conference Report. IFA – Edition Culture and Foreign Policy, Berlin, 7 May. • Preoteasa, Manuela and Andrei Schwartz. 2015. Media ownership patterns in post-communist Romania - 5 profiles. Center for Media Transparency. • Schifirneț, Constantin (coord.). 2011. Europenizarea societăţii româneşti şi mass-media. Editura • Schifirneț, Constantin. 2014. Mass-media, modernitate tendențială şi europenizare în era Internetului. Tritonic. • Terzis, Georgios. 2014. Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe. Routledge.
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